Welcoming Spring with Fresh Poolside Decor

Publication date : Wednesday, April 10th, 2019

Hey, what’s that bright spot in the sky?! It’s the springtime sun, and it’s finally peeking out around the clouds. There’s no better time to start fixing up the backyard and your pool than those warm springtime days. If you’ve been craving a little bit of change this year, or you just want to freshen things up, we can help. Here’s how to welcome in the coming seasons with fresh poolside decor.

Floating Faux Lilies

Okay, REAL pool lilies (Nymphaeaceae) can be a bit challenging to grow in most pools. But there’s no reason you can’t set a few fake silk lilies adrift. These water-growing plants sit on the top of the water and float delicately on the currents. Choose white for a pure, springtime feel, or try some gradient-blended flowers in a mixture of pinks, yellows, and creamy white. The look is sublime.

Globe String Lights

Soft lighting is a must for those early spring nights with warm weather. Skip the overhead lighting or harsh CFLs and install a few strings of outdoor globe lights instead. Sometimes called “fairy lights,” these decor items add a delicate and subtle twinkle of light here and there. Install them just off the side of the water to cast gorgeous twinkles all across the surface. Magical!

Grass (or Astroturf)

Springtime is all about plants springing to life and greening up again. Whether you have grass around your pool or you rely on astroturf and artificials, it’s also the best time to fertilize, re-sod, or generally rejuvenate those tiny little blades for the coming season. But there are a few catches…

First, if you don’t have grass, but you want to install it, you need to know that it isn’t as easy as sprinkling down seed. Not every type of grass grows well around pools because of high humidity and the risk of splashing chlorinated water around.

Perennial Ryegrass works best for high-traffic areas due to its durability. Kentucky blue grass is an all-around favorite, but may be impacted by splashes. Live in an area with poor irrigation or a dry, arid climate? Zoysia Grass might work. Bermuda Grass, on the other hand, does spectacularly well in indoor, glass-walled pool enclosures because it loves the heat.

In-Pool Multicolored Lights

In-pool lighting is just beautiful. As the sun goes down and you sip a favorite beverage with a friend, the lights come up and twinkle like moons in the sky across the water. This spring, consider installing new multicolored interchangeable lights and really ramp up your decor value. Some options even come with a control pad that lets you shift the light into soft, springlike shades (pastel pink, pastel blue, and lilac). Others offer the basic ROYGB spectrum, but let you switch things up for the seasons as they pass. It’s just a fun way to really enjoy your pool!

Considering a total change this spring? Maybe you want to add on a jacuzzi or a sauna, or you’re installing a pool for the very first time. Paradise Pools can help.