Beat the Winter Blues with a Hot Tub

Publication date : Friday, November 22nd, 2019

Can a hot tub or jacuzzi help you beat the winter blues? Absolutely. As the air turns crisp, it’s time to start thinking about a hot tub. It can make a great addition to your swimming pool, too! With both an inground pool and a spa, you’ll have things to enjoy in your backyard year round. 

Here are the ways a jacuzzi can help you beat the cooler temperatures and shorter days that accompany winter.

Get Fresh Air 

For the most part, winters in Mississippi are mild. But, the temps can still be cool enough that it’s not comfortable to just sit outside. Fortunately, a hot tub allows you to get fresh air and Vitamin D while being warm and cozy. Boost your mood and increase feel-good endorphins in the brain. 

Melt Away Stress 

The holiday season is stressful for many people. Between hosting family gatherings, spending money on Christmas presents, participating in Secret Santas and attending holiday parties, there is a lot to do this time of year. Melt away the stress at the end of the day by sitting in your hot tub. This way, you can go to bed with a clear mind and sleep well. 

Enjoy Aromatherapy 

Aromatherapy has a positive effect on the mood. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oils and transform your hot tub into a relaxing day spa. Some of our favorites include:

  • Peppermint and rosemary for an energy boost
  • Mandarin orange and chamomile to relax 
  • Lavender to feel happy

Low-Impact Exercises 

Exercising is good for your mental and physical health, and it’s a definite way to beat the seasonal blues. The good news is that you can enjoy various exercises from the comfort of your spa. Examples include calf raises, stretching, torso crunches and arm crosses. And, because your muscles will be warm in the water, there’s less risk of pulling a muscle. 

Host a Spa Party

Looking to spend more time with friends this winter? Invite them over for a spa party. Your guests will love this idea because it’s not something they get to do often. Plus, socializing with others boosts the mood. Complete the seasonal party with finger foods and winter drinks like eggnog and hot chocolate. 

Rest Sore Muscles 

Some people experience more muscle and joint pain when the weather changes. You may also be tired and fatigued from all the shopping and running around. Don’t let this stress build up – sit in the spa at night and relax your sore muscles. 

The winter blues are common for some people. Luckily, there are ways to treat the winter blues, including exercise, getting into the right mindset and spending time with friends and family. A spa helps with all of these things! To learn more about having a hot tub installed in your backyard, contact Paradise Pools today.