Controlling Algae Blooms in Your Swimming Pool

Publication date : Thursday, August 22nd, 2019

Algae spores are brought into swimming pools from rain, wind or contaminated bathing suits. They can bloom almost instantly if the conditions are right. No matter how clean a swimming pool is, algae are ever-present. They wait patiently for the opportunity to bloom, so it’s up to you to keep your pool in good working condition. 

What Causes Algae Problems in Swimming Pools 

It’s no secret why algae thrive in swimming pools. Algae need food to survive, and a swimming pool provides this in the form of debris and contaminants. Fortunately, algae can be controlled with the right chlorine and pH levels and properly working equipment. But, if circulation, filtration or sanitation are lacking, it allows the algae to grow and take over the pool. 

Green algae are most common, but there are others as well, such as yellow algae and black algae. Algae are classified by color because there are tens of thousands of varieties. It’s important to diagnose the type of algae you have as the cleaning methods might be different.

What Problems Can Algae Lead To? 

When algae get an opportunity to bloom, they cloud and color the water. People don’t want to swim because it’s difficult to see and may not be safe. Even though algae aren’t dangerous on their own, they can harbor bacteria and pathogens like E.coli. Algae can also clog up the filtration system, making it less effective. 

Another complication of algae is that they can stain pool surfaces. Algae tend to hide in dark crevices, including underneath pool liners. As the chlorine in your pool works hard to get rid of the algae, there’s not enough of the chemical to remove other contaminants. pH levels then rise as a result of the carbon dioxide. 

How to Prevent Algae Blooms in Your Pool 

Remember, algae are already in your swimming pool, so you’ll want to maintain proper chemical balance, filtration and circulation. Here are a few tips to prevent algae from taking over your pool. 

  • Make sure your circulation system is running 
  • Keep chlorine levels in an ideal range 
  • Shock your pool once a week
  • Brush your pool (walls, floors, steps) each week 
  • Vacuum your pool to remove contaminants 
  • Use an algaecide regularly 

Algae spores are inevitable, but you don’t have to let them take over your pool. By following the tips above, you can keep on top of algae spores and ensure a clean, safe swimming environment for you and your family!