Enjoy More Fun and Less Work with a Pool Maintenance Company

Publication date : Sunday, May 10th, 2015

Probably one of the biggest gripes to owning a swimming pool is the maintenance that goes along with it. Though swimming pools bring hours upon hours of enjoyment and relaxation, they also come with a big time commitment. Many pool owners find themselves thinking how nice it would be to enjoy their pools without having to personally take care of them. Well, this is actually very possible, and many pool owners are already taking advantage of it!

What We Take Care Of So You Don’t Have To!

Pool companies like Paradise Pools provide maintenance services for residential swimming pools. Our motto is, “More Fun, Less Work.” We offer a number of service packages to fit every set of needs and budget. All packages include the basics:

  • Vacuuming
  • Skimming the surface
  • Brushing the surface
  • Cleaning the waterline
  • Backwashing the filter
  • Equipment inspection
  • Maintenance suggestions
  • Water testing
  • Adjusting of sanitizer, pH, alkalinity and calcium levels

The difference between our packages is the length they are needed. At a minimum, you can sign up for a 3-month contract, which is perfect if you only require pool maintenance through the pool season. You may also leave your pool up to us for six months or the entire year. Our lengthier service contracts include additional amenities such as discounts off equipment, maintenance and repair parts, free service calls and monthly checkups during the winter season.

We Don’t Charge for Chemicals

Not only do we provide you with these essential services, but also we stock the chemicals. Why does this matter? Becuase it means you are protected on the maintenance side of things and the chemical side. Regardless of what chemicals are needed in your pool, you pay the same amount. Other companies charge a set price for the labor, but they charge for the use of chemicals.

We know that we have had many concerned customers come to us after working with other pool companies, believing that the company used more chemicals than were necessary and charged them a higher bill. This won’t happen with us; you can expect the same price and consistently great service no matter which package you select and which chemicals are needed.

If you love using your pool but don’t love taking care of it, hire a pool company this season to take care of the weekly maintenance. You can enjoy a full summer of fun without having to vacuum, skim or run to the store for chemicals. To learn more about our packages and their prices, visit our Pool Maintenance page. Let us do the work so you can enjoy your pool!

© Paradise Pools & Spas
Paradise Pools & Spas Contact Details:
Main address: 227 S. Pearson Road 39208 Pearl, MS ,
Tel:(601) 932-7665,
Email: info@paradisepoolsms.com
March 16th - August 30th
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 5pm
Saturday: 9am - 1pm
Sunday: Closed
September 1st - March 15th
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 5pm
Saturday: 9am - 12pm
Sunday: Closed