Is Buying Chemicals Off the Internet or in the Stores Costing You Money?

Publication date : Sunday, July 5th, 2015

People are drawn to the big-box and online stores because they have the image of being cheaper. Shopping in these stores or online is the better choice for some types of purchases (electronics, books, toys) but there are other products that are better left to the specialty stores.

Are You Wasting Your Money?

You may find it hard to believe, but purchasing your pool chemicals from big-box stores or the Internet could actually be costing you money. Think about it. Say you stop into Walmart on the way home from work, as you need to pick up a few things anyway. You head to the pool aisle to grab a couple bags of shock and realize that there are several options available.

You’re not sure what you need, so you call over for help, which isn’t very helpful. It’s not like Walmart employs highly trained pool experts to cover their summer aisles. What ends up happening is that you buy a few bags of shock because they are “cheap,” even though you may be purchasing the wrong chemicals or quantities.

The same can happen online, especially if the online store doesn’t have a live chat service to answer your questions. But even so, it’s not like you can have your water tested through the Internet, so the responses you get may not be accurate. And, with the cost of shipping, you can easily end up spending more online than in a speciality store.

Why Specialty Stores are Best for Pool Chemicals

When you shop with a specialty pool store, you can save money and headache. The people that work in these stores are well-versed in pool chemicals and ask questions like: What type of pool do you have? Do you need shock for normal oxidation or are you experiencing trouble? Did you bring a water sample in?

Many specialty stores will test your water for free using their equipment, so you can get a good idea as to the exact chemicals you need. They will also send you home with detailed information, so there’s no guessing involved. This means that you don’t waste chemicals or your hard-earned money. You simply buy what you need in the quantity you need and treat your pool correctly.

A final point to consider is the quality of the products you buy. Big-box and online stores often sell products that are of a lower quality, although it’s hard to tell right off the bat. You may read more chemicals on the package, but these chemicals probably aren’t necessary for your pool. Why pay for them then? When you shop speciality, you get the purest form of chemicals at a price that is reasonable.

For high quality pool chemicals at affordable prices, stop into Paradise Pools. Our level of expertise and customer service is invaluable!

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