5 Safety Tips for National Water Safety Month

Publication date : Tuesday, May 30th, 2017

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The last Saturday in April is National Pool Opening Day. Not everyone is able to open up their pools this early, but here in Mississippi, it’s the perfect time to throw off the cover and dive into the swimming season! Now that National Pool Opening Day is behind us, we can focus on the next big event: National Water Safety Month.

The purpose of National Water Safety Month is to promote awareness for pool safety. As we inch closer to the kids getting out of school, now is the perfect time to practice these five water safety tips.

  1. Learn to Swim

We recently wrote a blog post about the importance of knowing how to swim – for both kids and adults. Before summer begins, brush up on your family’s swimming skills. You can spend time getting the kids comfortable in the water again, or you may benefit from enrolling in swim lessons. Learning to swim is a skill that can be used for the rest of your lives!

  1. Don’t Rely on Inflatables

If you find that your child can’t swim well or hasn’t yet developed the skills to swim on their own, don’t depend on inflatables to keep them safe. While inflatables like “floaties” can help your child swim, they are not a substitute. Your child still needs constant supervision.

  1. Discuss Limits and Expectations

Older kids that are comfortable in the water need to know their limits and expectations. Otherwise, they may find themselves in potentially dangerous situations that they can’t manage. For instance, if your child wants to go to the public pool, discuss how far out they can swim, if they can use the slides/diving board, how often to check in, etc.

  1. Don’t Dive into Shallow Water

Unless you are trained to dive into a pool, it’s best to avoid it. You don’t know what’s down there – and you won’t until it’s too late. You can, however, enjoy diving in the deep end of a pool or off a diving board that is being supervised by a lifeguard.

  1. Never Swim Alone

Even if you want to swim a few laps, it’s best to have someone with you at all times. Whether it’s a friend, a neighbor or a friendly face at the health club, it’s important to have someone else around other than yourself. If something happens and you can’t swim, this individual can help you.

Swimming is a fun, healthy activity that all ages can enjoy. But do realize that the water can be dangerous if it’s not taken seriously. In honor of National Water Safety Month, discuss these five tips with your family before the summer season starts.

© Paradise Pools & Spas
Paradise Pools & Spas Contact Details:
Main address: 227 S. Pearson Road 39208 Pearl, MS ,
Tel:(601) 932-7665,
Email: info@paradisepoolsms.com
March 16th - August 30th
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 5pm
Saturday: 9am - 1pm
Sunday: Closed
September 1st - March 15th
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 5pm
Saturday: 9am - 12pm
Sunday: Closed