Step-by-Step Guide to Winter Pool Maintenance

Publication date : Sunday, October 7th, 2018

Taking care of your swimming pool is a must no matter what part of the country you live in. Even though it doesn’t get blustery cold in Mississippi, the temperatures drop significantly from the spring and summer. By taking care of your inground pool now, you can protect it from winter damage and make it easier to open come spring.

Let’s go over the steps you should take to maintain your family’s swimming pool this winter.

Secure and Properly Maintain Your Pool Cover

Many MS pool owners choose to close their pools as soon as the fall starts and the temperatures drop. There are ways to prolong your swimming season, such as by installing a pool heater, but many pool owners decide to give their pool a break. A pool cover keeps the pool protected from falling leaves, debris and animals. But, pool covers only work as well as the condition they are in.

To offer full coverage, keep your pool cover in good condition. Make sure the cover is securely attached to the pool – you may need to use water blocks or bags to do this. Keep your pool cover clean by removing debris from the top. If there is standing water from rain, you can vacuum this up. A roof rake can also be used to remove any snow or ice, if there happens to be some.

Inspect and Drain All Pool Parts

To ensure your parts are running optimally, they need some attention as the seasons change. The reason for the inspection is to make sure that everything is working as it should. If any of the parts need to be fixed, now is a good time to do so. Second, all excess water needs to be cleared from the pipes to prevent freezing and cracking.

Here are some parts to check:

  • Pool pump
  • Filtration system
  • Heater/heat pump
  • Skimmers
  • Purification system
  • Valves
  • Drains
  • Drain covers
  • Air blowers

Check and Balance Pool Chemistry

Most people don’t drain their pools for the winter, making pool chemistry important. Balanced water prevents algae, bacteria and contamination, plus makes it easier to open your pool come spring. We recommend checking your pool chemistry every couple of months to stay on top of the chemicals. Discard of old chemical products because they lose their potency. To prevent water lines, use an enzyme product.

If you have questions about closing your pool and maintaining it for the winter, call Paradise Pools. We’re happy to answer your questions and ensure your swimming pool will have an easy re-opening in 2019.