Tips for Weatherproofing Pools Before Bad Weather

Publication date : Thursday, December 27th, 2018

From the Florida Keys all the way up to the border of Canada, nearly every pool owner has to deal with storms once in a while. Without the right preparation, they can wreak havoc on your backyard pool zone, resulting in serious and costly damage. The good news is that storms don’t have to be decimator of your favorite space. With a little bit of prep you can help keep your pool safe, no matter how high the winds or how much rain falls. Just follow this easy multi-step guide.

Don’t Drain Your Pool

If this tip sounds wrong, don’t bail on us just yet. While it might seem logical to drain the water out of your pool to prevent splashing and overflow, it’s actually safer to leave it in. A pool full of water protects the walls and floor (and thus, liner) from tears due to flying debris like tree limbs or even shingles.

The only possible caveat here is if you live in an area with flooding. In some rare cases, it may be better to partially drain the pool when flooding is expected. The better option is to install a solid drainage system to catch the overflow.

Roll Up the Cover

This is another one of those, “sounds really off” tips, but it makes sense, especially for soft covers. Keep the cover on your pool and it will only collect water, debris, and flying junk, weighing it down and potentially tearing it. Hard covers may lift up and fly away entirely, smashing into your house or breaking windows along the way.

Balance Water Levels

If you have some warning – think around 24 hours or so – consider testing your water levels and re-balancing them as a preventative step. Add a settling agent to ensure that any fine dirt clumps up when it lands, and then add a dose of algae eliminator to prevent high humidity and moisture from spurring on new growth.

Tie Down or Put Away Loose Objects

Chairs, tables, and umbrellas are must-haves for pool owners, but in high winds, they become dangerous projectiles with the power to rip your pool liner or break windows. Put them inside a shed or bring them inside the house if you can; if nothing else, tie them down. This also includes any pool equipment and/or pool toys.

Disconnect the Power to Pool Equipment

If lightning or high winds are a possibility, disconnect the power to your pool pump and other electrically-driven equipment. This will eliminate the possibility of a surge or short-circuit damaging costly parts. Yes, this will prevent your pool from filtering properly, but the extra work to filter afterward will be much less stressful than that of spending money to replace the pump.

At Paradise Pools, we know that regular maintenance is the best way to keep your pool in tip-top shape. Let’s talk about how we can help you get on track.