Why Hire a Professional for Vinyl Liner Replacement

Publication date : Monday, December 30th, 2019

There are many advantages to being a hands-on do it yourselfer. You can save significant time and money, as well as be reassured that the job is done right. However, there are some jobs that are best handled by the professionals. Your swimming pool, for instance, will sometimes require professional assistance. 

One pool repair that is best done by a professional is a pool liner replacement. Vinyl liners last an average of 6-12 years, so it’s not surprising if you’re facing this repair sooner than later. This is not a simple job, even though it’s a common one. Below we explain why you should hire a professional to provide a vinyl liner replacement.

Tools and Materials 

Many tools and materials are required to replace a vinyl liner. Some tools are basic (i.e., Razor knife, Duct tape) while others are more specific. If you don’t have the proper tools, you’ll have to go to the store and buy them, driving up the cost of your DIY project

When you hire a professional, they’ll have the right tools and materials accessible at all times – even if something unexpected arises. A professional also knows which brands are best when it comes to wall foam, patch kits, liner pads, etc. For instance, Paradise Pools recommends North American or Off-Shore vinyl in various thicknesses. 

Measuring and Cut 

Measuring the new liner is incredibly important. If you mismeasure something, the liner will not fit correctly. You’ve probably seen some liners with wrinkles and bulges, which are signs of poor installation. 

Professional vinyl liner replacement services ensure a proper fit. When you hire Paradise Pools, we’ll send out a qualified tech to measure your pool. No stock liners are ever used. Everything is custom-made to fit your pool and yours only. This is especially important if your pool has a unique shape. 

Length of Time

While some online sources say that replacing a vinyl pool liner is a “weekend project,” this is not the case. A small vinyl repair can be completed over the weekend – but not a full replacement. It usually takes a couple of days just to get the materials in order and a couple of weeks for the installation. And, if you don’t get the proper fit the first time, there will be delays. 

When you use Paradise Pools, we usually receive the custom liners in 7-10 days. We’ll then set up a time for installation. In the meantime, you don’t have to worry about a thing – we’ll take care of it all! 

If you are considering replacing your vinyl liner, contact Paradise Pools for an estimate. We use high quality materials and qualified technicians to ensure a fast, efficient and affordable installation.