Bought a House with a Pool? Paradise Pools Will Help You Take Care of It!

Publication date : Thursday, July 29th, 2021

For many people, the decision to get a swimming pool requires careful consideration. But for others, this isn’t the case. Some people end up inheriting a swimming pool when they move into a new home. In this situation, they must decide if they want to keep or tear down the pool. 

If you have kids or grandkids, leaving the pool up may be the best idea. It gives the kids something to do in the summer, and you don’t have to pack everyone up to visit a crowded public pool. Everything is yours to enjoy – but it’s also yours to take care of. 

Fortunately, you can hire a service like Paradise Pools to take care of your pool! Our swimming pool service in Jackson will handle everything for you. This way, you’ll have more time to relax and enjoy your new home! 

Here are the top reasons why you should hire a swimming pool maintenance company to care for your new pool. 

Get Maintenance on a Regular Schedule 

When you’re settling into a new home, you have a lot on your schedule. Painting walls, wiping down cabinets, putting together furniture, mowing the lawn – the list goes on. Taking care of a swimming pool is the last thing you want to be bothered with, especially if this is your first time taking care of one. 

By hiring a pool service in Jackson, you can focus on other things around the home while giving your kids a clean and safe space to swim. And, your neighbors will thank you too! Plus, if and when you do want to handle the maintenance on your own, your pool water will be clean and ready! 

No Need to Buy, Use and Store Pool Chemicals

Again, if you’ve never taken care of a swimming pool before, you’ll need some time to learn about the various pool chemicals and how to use them. There’s a lot of work to keep pool water balanced! 

A pool maintenance company, however, has experts who work with pool chemicals every day. They’ll test and balance your water so that you know it’s safe and sanitary. And, you don’t have to worry about storing these chemicals in your new home. 

Assess Condition of the Equipment 

Another thing a pool service in Jackson can do is check the condition of your equipment. You probably didn’t pay too much attention to the pool when you were buying your home, but now that you own it, you want to know what condition it’s in. 

Our pool professionals deal with pool equipment like pumps, skimmers and motors regularly. They will take a quick look at your equipment to make sure it’s working as it should. If anything seems amiss, they’ll let you know so that you can replace the part before it breaks down and dirties the water. 

Hiring a pool maintenance company is a smart decision when you’re moving into a new home. To learn more about affordable, comprehensive swimming pool services in Jackson, contact Paradise Pools today

Is it Cheaper to Hire a Pool Service in Jackson?

Publication date : Sunday, July 30th, 2017

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Many pool owners wonder if it’s cheaper to hire a pool service in Jackson compared to handling maintenance on their own. Pools are a lot of work, and many people find that they spend more time cleaning their pools than swimming in them!

Knowing what a pool maintenance company does for the price can help you make an informed and cost-conscious decision. The main reason why people choose not to hire a pool service is because of price, but you might find that it’s not so unreasonable after all.

How Much Does Pool Maintenance Cost?

The cost of a weekly pool service depends on where you live and how often your pool is cared for. On average, you can expect the services to start around $45 a week, or $180 a month. You do not have to pay this price every month, however. Pool services are typically offered in 3, 6 or 12 month increments. In other words, for a few hundred dollars, you can have your pool cared for over the entire the summer.

What Does a Pool Company Do?

Each pool contractor is different, so always compare apples to apples. Paradise Pools offers comprehensive care that includes vacuuming, skimming, equipment inspection, water testing and adjusting of chemicals as needed. We even offer packages that include all of the chemicals. Imagine never having to buy, store or manage chemicals again!

So is it cheaper to hire a pool company? Well, it depends on how much you can afford and where you live.

Making the Decision: Professional vs DIY

If you have it in your budget to pay $180/month, then it will be very worth it. Instead of spending hours each week cleaning and maintaining your pool, you can enjoy your spa with your family. You also get the peace of mind that your pool is running efficiently and all equipment is in good condition. 

Also, if your pool has stubborn problems such as algae, you don’t have to waste your own time and money finding out the cause and a solution. This will be taken care of by your pool inspector.

If you are on a budget, you will have to decide if paying the money is worth it for you. You can try taking care of your pool on your own for a while and seeing how it goes. If you find yourself feeling frustrated and overwhelmed, or if your pool isn’t being used as much as it could, you may be happy to trade a couple of dinners out for a pool service.

In the end, hiring a pool service in Jackson isn’t cheaper than DIY pool maintenance, but it can save you money in the long run and help you see more value from your investment.