Keeping the Bugs Away in Your Outdoor Kitchen

Publication date : Thursday, August 31st, 2017

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Do you have an outdoor kitchen in your backyard? Even a single grill and picnic table are enough to invite the bugs in. Once your home becomes a magnet for bugs, insects and tiny critters, it’s hard to get rid of them. Where there’s food and water, there’s a home for pests!

Luckily, there are ways to keep the bugs away in your outdoor eating area so that you can enjoy more peaceful meals with friends and family. Let’s explore the ways to limit uninvited guests from taking over your backyard retreat.

Hang Up Bug Lanterns

Lanterns are popular right now, so your backyard kitchen will look trendy with them scattered throughout the space. Plus, bug lanterns are a healthy way to keep bees, mosquitoes and other pests away because they don’t use chemicals. To brighten up your yard and detract pests, place the lanterns strategically around your space – on tables, in corners or hanging up on the side of the home.

Light Tiki Torches And Candles

When you plan on being outdoors for a long time, tiki torches and candles keep bugs away while also looking summery and festive. Choose spots in your yard where annoying critters are most likely to be, such as around swimming pool edges or patios. Tiki torches create a relaxing atmosphere, and candles can be purchased in a light citronella scent that is perfect for entertaining.

Install a Deck Cover or Net

If standard candles and bug lanterns aren’t enough to keep the bugs away, consider a deck cover or net canopy. While these items might not be as attractive as the other methods, they are certainly effective. If you have an inground swimming pool and spend a lot of time grilling and eating outdoors, your guests will enjoy a bug-free zone to cool off in.

Keep Food Covered

When you do host barbecues, make sure that you have the proper plates and dishes. If you leave food out on a table without any protection, the bugs will show up, no matter what candles are burning or bug lanterns are hung. Covering up food with lids or colanders is a quick and easy way to eliminate bugs and keep food fresh.

Mow and Tidy Up the Yard

Prevention is one of the best defenses you have. Mow your lawn regularly, trim long grasses and shrubs and dump out standing water that may be left in bird baths, toddler pools, water tables, old tires or flower pots. When hosting summer parties, offer several garbage cans, and seal all garbage bags when the event has ended. Any crumbs, plates, cups or napkins left around will only be an invitation to nearby critters.

We still have a couple of warm months ahead of us, so follow our tips above to keep your outdoor kitchen bug free!